#Main function Function GetWin10Key { $Hklm = 2147483650 $Target = $env:COMPUTERNAME $regPath = "Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" $DigitalID = "DigitalProductId" $wmi = [WMIClass]"\\$Target\root\default:stdRegProv" #Get registry value $Object = $wmi.GetBinaryValue($hklm,$regPath,$DigitalID) [Array]$DigitalIDvalue = $Object.uValue #If get successed If($DigitalIDvalue) { #Get producnt name and product ID $ProductName = (Get-itemproperty -Path "HKLM:Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" -Name "ProductName").ProductName $ProductID = (Get-itemproperty -Path "HKLM:Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" -Name "ProductId").ProductId #Convert binary value to serial number $Result = ConvertTokey $DigitalIDvalue $OSInfo = (Get-WmiObject "Win32_OperatingSystem" | select Caption).Caption If($OSInfo -match "Windows 10") { if($Result) { [string]$value ="ProductName : $ProductName `r`n" ` + "ProductID : $ProductID `r`n" ` + "Installed Key: $Result" $value #Save Windows info to a file $Choice = GetChoice If( $Choice -eq 0 ) { $txtpath = "C:\Users\"+$env:USERNAME+"\Desktop" New-Item -Path $txtpath -Name "WindowsKeyInfo.txt" -Value $value -ItemType File -Force | Out-Null } Elseif($Choice -eq 1) { Exit } } Else { Write-Warning "Запускайте скрипт в Windows 10" } } Else { Write-Warning "Запускайте скрипт в Windows 10" } } Else { Write-Warning "Возникла ошибка, не удалось получить ключ" } } #Get user choice Function GetChoice { $yes = New-Object System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription "&Yes","" $no = New-Object System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription "&No","" $choices = [System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription[]]($yes,$no) $caption = "Подтверждение" $message = "Сохранить ключ в текстовый файл?" $result = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice($caption,$message,$choices,0) $result } #Convert binary to serial number Function ConvertToKey($Key) { $Keyoffset = 52 $isWin10 = [int]($Key[66]/6) -band 1 $HF7 = 0xF7 $Key[66] = ($Key[66] -band $HF7) -bOr (($isWin10 -band 2) * 4) $i = 24 [String]$Chars = "BCDFGHJKMPQRTVWXY2346789" do { $Cur = 0 $X = 14 Do { $Cur = $Cur * 256 $Cur = $Key[$X + $Keyoffset] + $Cur $Key[$X + $Keyoffset] = [math]::Floor([double]($Cur/24)) $Cur = $Cur % 24 $X = $X - 1 }while($X -ge 0) $i = $i- 1 $KeyOutput = $Chars.SubString($Cur,1) + $KeyOutput $last = $Cur }while($i -ge 0) $Keypart1 = $KeyOutput.SubString(1,$last) $Keypart2 = $KeyOutput.Substring(1,$KeyOutput.length-1) if($last -eq 0 ) { $KeyOutput = "N" + $Keypart2 } else { $KeyOutput = $Keypart2.Insert($Keypart2.IndexOf($Keypart1)+$Keypart1.length,"N") } $a = $KeyOutput.Substring(0,5) $b = $KeyOutput.substring(5,5) $c = $KeyOutput.substring(10,5) $d = $KeyOutput.substring(15,5) $e = $KeyOutput.substring(20,5) $keyproduct = $a + "-" + $b + "-"+ $c + "-"+ $d + "-"+ $e $keyproduct } GetWin10Key